The new look of tea_第1回

12月10日(火)夜には、ロンドンのジャパンハウスで「Rethinking Lacquerware: Urushi Master Murase Jihei 漆再考-漆芸家・村瀬治兵衛」と題した講演会を行いました。ジャパンハウス は外務省が企画した在外発信拠点で、ロンドン、ロサンゼルス、リオデジャネイロにあります。地下にあるイベントスペースには、観客は80名ほど。ここでも茶会の様子や、製作の実際のムービーを見ながら、元ヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館の日本専門家学芸員ジョー・アール氏にインタビューしていただき、木地師であり塗師である村瀬治兵衛の仕事の実際をお話ししました。12日間の滞在でしたが、さまざまな方との出会いがあり、また日本の工芸、村瀬治兵衛の作品への興味をじかに感じることができて、たいへん貴重な経験となりました。

Report from London
“The new look of Tea” has been appearing in the Japanese Embassy in London since
November 20 . The goal of this exhibition is to suggest alternative ways of enjoying tea, through the use of tea utensils
created by contemporary artists in a global atmosphere.
Mr. Toshio Shimizu, Professor of Gakushuin Women’s University, is the Comissioner. Kamon kogei Inc. is acting as planner and
project manager. And Jihei Murase is himself taking part as an exhibitor, a collector, and a coordinaror.
The gathering held on December 4 was hosted by Jihei, employing the Ryurei chakai(table and chair)style of serving. The
table used was fashioned from glass, while the scroll hanging on the wall
was created by Hiraki Sawa, a motion graphic creator in London.
Guests enjoyed a bowl of tea served by Jihei and special sweets brought from Japan, while listening to an explanation of the
meaning behind each movement employed during the ceremony as well as the roles played by various tea utensils. Questions
such as, “can you add milk?” and “what type of water is suitable?” were among those asked by guests and and answered by
Following chakai, a reception was held featuring speeches by Mr. Ito, Ministry of Public Relations, Mr. Shimizu, and
Jihei.Watching videos about the chakai in Japan, and Jihei working on wood turning, lacquering, guests were then given the
opportunity to take a closer view of the tea utensils, and to ask questions. How can wood be manipulated into certain shapes?
What is lacquering? These are the few questions that arose.
From December 9 to 11 , a special exhibition of tea caddies and fresh water containers was also
held at Stuart Lochhead Gallery in association with Ginza Ippodo. Tea caddies, fresh water containers, plates and Natasogi
flower containers were all on sale, offering attendees the opportunity to acquire unique and beautiful Christmas gifts!
On December 10 ,Jihei gave a lecture,“Rethinking Lacquerware”, at Japan House. About 80 pepole were in attendance.
After watching the videos about the topic, Jihei discussed his work as a wood master and a lacquerer with Mr.Joe Earl, excurator
of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
“Although it was only a 12 day stay, I was lucky to meet many people, and could sense their interest in Japanese crafts and my
creations, which was very encouraging. It was a memorable experience.”
The Exhibition in London’s Japanese Embassy will be held until January 10 , 2020. It is well worth a visit if you have the time.
Please be sure to take your passport or other form of idendification.